Co 2 opskrifter

Sukker og co.

Jeg er bare SÅ vild med at få forklaringer på alt hvad der sker i kroppen. Måske bloggen i nærmeste fremtid bliver lidt mere nørdet
Mozzarella Chicken

Mozzarella Chicken

Cook 8 minutes, then flip and season other side. Cook 8 minutes more. Add garlic to skillet and cook until fragrant, 1 minute, then add balsamic vinegar to deglaze pan, scraping up brown bits with a wooden spoon. Add crushed tomatoes, basil, and crushed red pepper flakes and stir until combined and warmed through, 3 minutes. Top each breast with 1 slice mozzarella and cover with a lid until melted. 2 tbsp
white chocolate panna cotta with mango coulis

white chocolate panna cotta with mango coulis

Right now I’m sitting on my couch watching the opening ceremony of the World Cup. Lots and lots of top matches with the best football countries in the world – a long with a few not so good ones, lets be honest
Rustikt speltbrød - groft, sprødt og mættende

Rustikt speltbrød - groft, sprødt og mættende

I går forkælede vi os selv med olie og balsamico fra Oliviers & Co - til at nyde dette, måtte der et godt brød til, som ikke krævede al for lang hævetid

Pærekage med hjemmelavet karamelsovs

co. Opskriften giver 1 stk 20 cm kage, nok til 8-10 pers. 2 spsk glukose sirup. 1/2 cup fløde (varm). 2 spsk smør v. Korn af 1/2 vaniljestang. 2. 2,5 dl æble/pære juice. 1/2 tsk. 120 g selvhævende mel. Opvarm ovnen til 180°C og beklæd en 20 cm springform med bagepapir. 20 cm kage, nok til. 2 spsk glukose. 2 spsk smør. 2,5 dl æble. 1/2 tsk vanilje. 120 g
Chocolate and Raspberry panna cotta

Chocolate and Raspberry panna cotta

So when he was put to bed we continued our new years eve with yummy food, wine, drinks and fun. For dessert I had made chocolate and raspberry panna cotta
Creamy Chicken & Rice Soup

Creamy Chicken & Rice Soup

Add rice and bring to a simmer until rice is tender and chicken is cooked through. Cook, stirring, until vegetables are tender and liquid has evaporated, 6 minutes. Add chicken and cook until golden, 10 minutes, then add thyme and garlic and stir until fragrant, 1 minute. 2 large carrots, sliced into rounds. 2 stalks celery, thinly sliced
Chicken Parmentier

Chicken Parmentier

12 free-range egg yolks. 12 sticks celery chopped. 1350ml/12fl oz chicken stock. 1600g/1lb 5oz cooked chicken meat (from a roast or rotisserie chicken), shredded. 12 tbsp chopped fresh parsley. Pour in the wine and cook for 1 minute. Stir in the tomato purée, chopped tomatoes and stock and cook for 10–15 minutes, until thickened. 1Put the filling in a 20x30cm/8x12in ovenproof dish and top with the mashed potato
Fluffy American pancakes

Fluffy American pancakes

2 tbsp caster sugar. 2 tbsp melted butter (allowed to cool slightly) or olive oil, plus extra for cooking
Mary’s Fraisier

Mary’s Fraisier

1125g caster sugar. 1Finely grated zest of 2 unwaxed medium lemons. 1125g self-raising flour. 150g unsalted butter, melted and cooled. 12 egg yolks, at room temperature. 1100g cornflour. 1Juice of 2 medium lemons, strained. 1200g marzipan. 1200g dark chocolate, melted. 11 x 23cm springclip cake tin or loosebased, deep round cake tin, greased, floured and the base lined with baking paper. a large piping bag fitted with a 2cm tube
Cauliflower Alla Vodka

Cauliflower Alla Vodka

Pour over vodka sauce and half the mozzarella and Parmesan and stir to combine. Add onion and cook until soft, 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, 1 minute more, then add vodka and crushed tomatoes. Stir in heavy cream and cook 5 minutes to let alcoholcook off. Bake until cheese is melty and golden, 25 minutes. 1 28-oz. 1/2 c. 2 c
Baileys Poke Cake

Baileys Poke Cake

Prepare cake mix according to package instructions. In a medium bowl, whisk together sweetened condensed milk, heavy cream, cocoa powder, and Baileys
Bananbrød på nøddebund

Bananbrød på nøddebund

crispy co. 2 tsk. 2 tsk. Bages ved 200 grader i ca. 2 tsk vanilje. 2 tsk kanel. Bages ved 200 grader i ca. Har hørt flere snakke om hvor godt bananbrød smager, men aldrig selv hverken smagt eller bagt det, indtil nu
Crispy-Choco bites

Crispy-Choco bites

Jeg blev inspireret af Proteinopskrifters Chunky Chocolate Proteinbar og trængen til noget lækkert, lidt sødt og smagen af chokolade – det resulterede i de her små Crispy-Choco bites

En aften på Svinkløv Badehotel

Min hovedret bestod af havkat med aioli, salsa verde, squash i alle afskygninger, brændt løg, hvidløg, brocoli og forskellige urter og nye aspargeskartofler vendt i smør og persille
This recipe is from...

This recipe is from...

Divide the mixture between the prepared tins and give it a gentle shake so that the mixture finds its own level, making sure that it has spread evenly to the corners
Snickerskage m. cookie dough creme

Snickerskage m. cookie dough creme

Eurowoman kalder følgende opskrift for snickerskage med cookie dough, på Twinfoods egen blog findes opskriften under peanut butter bidder med cookie dough – kald dem hvad du vil – i sidste ende, så er den her smagsoplevelse FANTASTISK