Sour cream onion opskrifter

Spinach and Mozzarella Egg Bake

Spinach and Mozzarella Egg Bake

  This is good with sourcream.   Layer the grated cheese and sliced onions on top of the spinach. 11/3 cup thinly sliced green onions. use regular or part-skim Mozzarella, your choice) 1/3 cup thinly sliced green onions 8 eggs, beaten 1 tsp


1/2 pakke kiks (her Tuc SourCream and Onion for at få den rigtige smag og konsistens). 1/2 pakke kiks (her Tuc SourCream and Onion for at få den rigtige smag og konsistens)


Det er altså ikke en omgang lækre Sourcream and onion chips. Så fik jeg også afprøvede de meget populære grønkålschips
No Tuna Mousse

No Tuna Mousse

Everything except the finely chopped onion is blended well together in food-processor until you have the desired consistency

Artichoke salad with smoked salmon and trout pate

Pick the skin off the trout, pull the flesh off ( make sure there are no bones) Place in a food processor with the cream cheese, sourcream, horseradish, lemon juice parsley, salt and pepper


Her blev retten serveret med ekstra fine ærter og sourcream and onion chips (fordi det ikke var fedt nok i forvejen, og fordi de chips giver en ekstra smagsdimension), samt en god, tør og kraftig Amarone vin, for der er brug for noget, der kan matche det koncentrerede smagsindtryk fra retten
Broccoli salad with apple & bacon

Broccoli salad with apple & bacon

sourcream. red onion.  Mix a dressing of sourcream, salt and pepper.  Mix broccoli and apple in a bowl and add dressing, red onions, cranberries and bacon to the salad
Crispy grønkål

Crispy grønkål

Grønkål bliver helt sprødt i ovnen, og kan spises som sourcream and. onion snacks om aftenen eller til familiefester
De gode kødboller

De gode kødboller

SourCream and Onion chips. Serveres med ekstra fine grønne ærter, gode SourCream and Onion chips (modsat den fesne Kim’s på billedet, er det Taffel’s, der er de gode, dem der hed Estrella i gamle dage) og en god, kraftig rødvin

U to Y

Umami (oo-MOM-mee) - Sweet, bitter, salty and sour are what we all learned as the four basic tastes. allemande sauce - Veal veloute with egg yolk and cream liaison


a la Russe - Prepared in the Russian style with sourcream or beetroot or both are added. Acetomel - A mixture of honey and vinegar that produces sweet-sour syrup